Online Building Departments
Online Building Departments

Lake Sumter State College

June 2021


PDCS, LLC is pleased to partner with Lake Sumter State College to provide building department services to help sustain and develop a safe environment on all of the LSSC campuses.

Permit Application Instructions:

To apply for a permit please review the submittal guideline; located in the right hand column. This guideline provides you with a detailed checklist of required documents and submission materials for a permit.

The permit application for Lake Sumter State College can be found by simply selecting “Apply for Permit” at the top of this page. The permit application is a PDF which you may type directly on if you wish, you will then need to print and sign in the presence of a notary before submitting your application to PDCS for permitting.


Submitting your application & documents for permitting:

After you have printed and completed the application and compiled all of your documents (license, insurance, etc.) for submittal you may scan them into an electronic file (pdf). With this pdf you may upload them in the area titled “Upload Completed Application” located in the right hand column of this page. ***Please DO NOT upload electronic versions of plans.***

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact the PDCS Permitting Department at 407-277-9795 or via email at If you choose to contact PDCS via email please include the project name and campus location in your email.



*Contractor(s)/Subcontractor(s) are required to provide copies of current state licenses and copies of certificates of insurance indicating general liability insurance and workers compensation (or a copy of your exemption) with every permit application.


Inspection Request Notice:

To request an inspection, complete the “Inspection Request Form” located at the top of the page. Inspections are conducted the next business day and are completed closest to requested time as possible. The inspection request cut off time is 4:00pm for next business day inspections.


You request inspection at 2:00pm on Monday then you receive the inspection on Tuesday.

You request inspection at 4:05pm on Wednesday then you will receive the inspection on Friday.


June 2015

Please visit

Seminole State College

February 2015


PDCS, LLC is pleased to partner with Seminole State College to provide building department services to help sustain and develop a safe environment on all of the SSC campuses.

Permit Application Instructions:

To apply for a permit please review the submittal guideline; located in the right hand column. This guideline provides you with a detailed checklist of required documents and submission materials for a permit.

The permit application for Seminole State College can be found by simply selecting “Apply for Permit” at the top of this page. The permit application is a PDF which you may type directly on if you wish, you will then need to print and sign in the presence of a notary before submitting your application to PDCS for permitting.


Submitting your application & documents for permitting:

After you have printed and completed the application and compiled all of your documents (license, insurance, etc.) for submittal you may scan them into an electronic file (pdf). With this pdf you may upload them in the area titled “Upload Completed Application” on the right hand side of this page. ****Please DO NOT upload electronic versions of plans.****

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact the PDCS Permitting Department at 407-277-9795 or via email at If you choose to contact PDCS via email please include the project name and campus location in your email.



*Contractor(s)/Subcontractor(s) are required to provide copies of current state licenses and copies of certificates of insurance indicating general liability insurance and workers compensation (or a copy of your exemption) with every permit application.


Inspection Request Notice:

To request an inspection, complete the “Inspection Request Form” located at the top of the page. Inspections are conducted the next business day and are completed closest to requested time as possible. The inspection request cut off time is 4:00pm for next business day inspections.


You request inspection at 2:00pm on Monday then you receive the inspection on Tuesday.

You request inspection at 4:05pm on Wednesday then you will receive the inspection on Friday.


Valencia College

November 2014


PDCS, LLC is pleased to partner with Valencia College to provide building department services to help sustain and develop a safe environment on all of the Valencia campuses.

Permit Application Instructions:

To apply for a permit please review the submittal guideline; located in the right hand column. This guideline provides you with a detailed checklist of required documents and submission materials for a permit.

The permit application for Valencia College can be found by simply selecting “Apply for Permit” at the top of this page. The permit application is a PDF which you may type directly on if you wish, you will then need to print and sign in the presence of a notary before submitting your application to PDCS for permitting.


Submitting your application & documents for permitting:

After you have printed and completed the application and compiled all of your documents (license, insurance, etc.) for submittal you may scan them into an electronic file (pdf). With this pdf you may upload them in the area titled “Upload Completed Application” located in the right hand column of this page. ***Please DO NOT upload electronic versions of plans.***

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact the PDCS Permitting Department at 407-277-9795 or via email at If you choose to contact PDCS via email please include the project name and campus location in your email.



*Contractor(s)/Subcontractor(s) are required to provide copies of current state licenses and copies of certificates of insurance indicating general liability insurance and workers compensation (or a copy of your exemption) with every permit application.


Inspection Request Notice:

To request an inspection, complete the “Inspection Request Form” located at the top of the page. Inspections are conducted the next business day and are completed closest to requested time as possible. The inspection request cut off time is 4:00pm for next business day inspections.


You request inspection at 2:00pm on Monday then you receive the inspection on Tuesday.

You request inspection at 4:05pm on Wednesday then you will receive the inspection on Friday.



September 2014


Please click “Apply for Permit” to utilize the updated application.


The Town of Windermere’s Planning & Zoning Fees and Deposits are updated as of June 18, 2024. Please click “fees” to review changes.



PDCS is pleased to partner with the Town of Windermere to provide building department services to help sustain and develop a safe and attractive community.

Permit Application Instructions:

To apply for a permit please review the submittal guidelines (located in the right hand column) for your desired project. These guidelines provide you with a detailed checklist of required documents and submission materials for a permit based on project.

***All submitted applications must include at least one electronic copy (pdf format) of your site plans, drawings, manufacturer specifications etc. This pdf can be submitted on disk, flash drive or uploaded directly to our site through the “Upload Completed Application” section (located in the right hand column beneath submittal guidelines).***

After reviewing the submittal guidelines please review the fees to ascertain the permitting group for your project. Your group number is required information on your permit application.

Once you have determined your permitting group number you can begin completing your application which can be found by simply selecting “Apply for Permit” at the top of this page. The permit application is a PDF which you may type directly on if you wish, you will then need to print and sign in the presence of a notary before submitting your application to PDCS for permitting. Other important documents which maybe required for your application can be found in the “Important Files” section (located at the top of the right hand column).

Application & Documents Submission:

Option One (Electronic Submittals):

This option is available to all permits. After you have printed and completed the application and compiled all of your documents for submittal you may scan them into an electronic file (pdf). With this pdf you may upload them in the area titled “Upload Completed Application” or email them to Credit Card payments may be made using our Credit Card Authorization Form (located in the right hand column). See “Fee Information” below.

Option Two (In person paper submittals):

All in person applications must include at least one electronic copy (pdf format) of your electronically signed/sealed site plans, drawings, manufacturer specifications etc. This pdf can be submitted on disk, flash drive or uploaded directly to our site through the “Upload Completed Application” section (located in the right hand column beneath submittal guidelines) or emailed to***

After you have printed and completed the application and compiled all of your documents for submittal you can mail or hand deliver them to:

Town of Windermere Permitting
3361 Rouse Rd. Suite 210
Orlando, FL 32817


Town of Windermere
614 Main St.
Windermere, FL 34786

Drop off hours are from 9:00am – 4:00pm daily at both locations.

Permit Status Inquiry:

For review status, please email us at and include the project address and type of work being applied for.

PDCS will notify you by email once your permit is ready for issuance along with the remaining building fees before the permit can be picked up or received via email.

Fee Information:

The Town of Windermere accepts permit payments by check or credit card. Zoning payments are only accepted by check/money orders. Please make all checks payable to the Town of Windermere with the memo line containing project address. Credit card transactions not made in person will require a completed Credit Card Authorization Form returned to process payment.

Please check our “Fees” section to assist you in preparing a check. Group I fees can be submitted in their entirety with the application. For all other groups the zoning deposit is the only required payment at the time of application. PDCS will notify you regarding remaining building fees before the permit can be picked up or received via email.

Zoning payments may then be submitted via check to:

Town of Windermere Permitting
3361 Rouse Rd. Suite 210
Orlando, FL 32817


Town of Windermere
Attn: Theresa Syphers
614 Main St.
Windermere, FL 34786

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact the PDCS Permitting Department at 407-277-9795 or via email at If you choose to contact PDCS via email please include the project address in your email.



ALL Residential Re- Roofs require a completed affidavit and photos on site for FINAL Inspection.

*Contractor(s)/Subcontractor(s) are required to provide copies of current state licenses and copies of certificates of insurance indicating general liability insurance and workers compensation (or a copy of your exemption) with every permit application.

Inspection Request Notice:

To request an inspection, complete the “Inspection Request Form” located at the top of the page. Inspections are conducted the next business day. The inspection request cut off time is 4:00pm (on a business day) for next business day inspections.


You request inspection at 2:00pm on Monday then you receive the inspection on Tuesday.

You request inspection at 4:05pm on Wednesday then you will receive the inspection on Friday.


To increase the accessibility of zoning information PDCS has agreed to provide the information through our Town of Windermere Online Building Department.  PDCS does not handle any zoning issues and any questions should be sent to Wade Trim. PDCS will send any documents received during the permit application process to Wade Trim for zoning reviews.

Brad Cornelius, AICP





Zoning Forms and Documents

General Zoning Requirements (updated 11/19/2015) – For general zoning information and requirements.

Agent Authorization Form

Concept Plan Requirements

Conditional Use Permit Procedure

Right-of-Way Application Form (updated 02/08/2024)

Tree Removal Permit Application

Development Review

Development Review Board meetings occur monthly

Development Review Process

Future Land Use

FLUMA Requirements

FLUMA Application

Lot Split

OCPA Parcel Split Procedure

Lot Split Procedure

Lot Aggregation

Lot Aggregation Procedure

Preliminary Subdivision Plan

PSP Requirements

PSP Application


Rezone Requirements

Rezone Application

Variance Request

Variance Request Procedure – General

Variance Request Procedure – Signs