Online Building Departments
Online Building Departments

October 2014

Town of Windermere selects PDCS for Full Building Department Services

October 2014

Pwindermere-2DCS awarded five year contract with the Town of Windermere through the competitive bid process. After reviewing our decade of experience, knowledgeable personnel, and history of exemplary customer service the Town Counsel selected PDCS to provide their building department services.

The Town of Windermere is comprised of roughly 1000 acres of land. The Town is most notably known for its chain of lakes; the town is situated between five lakes all of which are connected. The quaint Town is also known for its famous residents including numerous professional golfers, basketball players, and more.

As of October 1, 2014 PDCS provides all building department service for the Town of Windermere and utilizes the new online building departments. This online access allows residents to apply for permits from the comfort of their homes and allows PDCS to remotely provide the Town’s services as requested.

For more information about our Online Building Department please click here.

To access the Town of Windermere Online Building Department please click here.